Solar Panels: Which Type is Best for Tiny Homes?

Solar Panels: Which Type is Best for Tiny Homes?

The majority of solar panels currently on the market can be classified into three types: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. Each type of solar panel has unique advantages and disadvantages depending on the application. These types of solar panels vary in terms of cost, materials, efficiency, and form factor.

Wind and Solar Options for Tiny Homes

Wind and Solar Options for Tiny Homes

A well planned solar and wind power system can easily provide enough power for a tiny home with very minimal grid or generator fallback. While solar panels can be used almost anywhere, some locations would require towers so tall that a wind turbine would be impractical.

The Best Batteries for Solar Tiny Homes

The Best Batteries for Solar Tiny Homes

Most batteries on the market can be divided into two main categories, lead-acid and lithium-ion. Lithium-ion batteries are the best choice for tiny homes for four main reasons. They have longer usable lifespans, they have greater usable capacity, they can provide adequate power for high drain appliances, and they don’t emit toxic gasses. With lithium-ion batteries being superior to lead-acid in every measurable way, the only reason to consider lead-acid is if your upfront budget is very tight.

Are Tiny Homes Good for the Environment?

Are Tiny Homes Good for the Environment?

Tiny homes are inherently better for the planet by virtue of the fact that they consume much fewer resources to provide all of the amenities we expect from a home. Beyond this intrinsic sustainability, some tiny home manufactures are going to great lengths to make their builds as green as is currently possible.